Theo Aanhane new director at Hobaho
Theo Aanhane has been appointed managing director of Hobaho by Dümmen Orange. From October 1st, he will take over from Foeke Gardenier, who has been in this role since 2013.
Theo started working at Hobaho as commercial director in 2022. Previously, he held management positions in various companies in the ornamental horticulture industry, including Royal FloraHolland and Eurofins Agro. Theo comes from the Bollenstreek (the Dutch flower bulb region) and has a wealth of experience in the flower bulb sector, including, amongst other things, in the fields of production, trade and export.
Theo Aanhane: “It is an honor and a challenge to be able to take over the reins of this great company from Foeke Gardenier. I’m really looking forward to carrying on the positive trend in our results, together with a fantastic group of colleagues. Where necessary, we will step up our efforts to enable Hobaho to flourish, now and in the future.”
Led by Foeke Gardenier, Hobaho established itself as a strong, committed and innovative player in the flower bulb sector, active in brokering, breeding and R&D, auctioning, license management and services in the supply chain. Notable achievements under his directorship included, amongst others, bringing together the Test Center and Hobaho in its current location on Van Slogterenweg in Lisse, the Netherlands; the integration of specific Hobaho and Test Center activities within the Dümmen Orange organization; the future-proofing of various partnerships; and the development of rapid propagation of flower bulbs. Hobaho also celebrated its 100th anniversary under Foeke’s leadership in 2021.
Foeke will remain closely involved with the Dümmen Orange organization. In his new role, as an adviser and interim manager, he will oversee transformations and changes, and will represent Dümmen Orange in a wide range of trade organizations, including Plantum, Ciopora International and Fleuroselect.
Foeke Gardenier: “I am delighted to be putting a stable and successful Hobaho in Theo’s capable hands. The fact that we are announcing his appointment now signals our intention to ensure that business continues seamlessly.”